Welcome, this blog has been set up to provide support and scenario ideas for the Parkfield Miniatures modern skirmish rules, Keep Low, Move Fast.

In the pages that follow we will be adding scenarios and additional information to help you play the rules.Each scenario will provide information to play the games with all players on one side, with an umpire controlling the enemy or solo.

Scenarios will provide a basic map of the game as played, player forces, normally a platoon but sometimes only a few fireteams and a brief outline of the game.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

LRDG airfield raid

In order to try the rules over a number of periods we decided to play a LRDG raid on a German airfield somewhere in the Western Desert during WWII.

The forces we had available were as follows, of course all were Veteran Special Forces and all figures were carrying 1 explosive device to set on the aircraft.

Platton HQ
1 x Lieutenant

1 x Platoon Sergeant
1 x radio operator

Ballistic              4
Leadership         8
Ability                 5
Rifle squad 1
1 x Squad Leader

1 x 2 ic
4 x Riflemen
1x LMG
1x no.2

Ballistic              4
Leadership         8
Ability                 5
Rifle squad 2
1 x Squad Leader

1 x 2 ic
4 x Riflemen
1x LMG
1x no.2

Ballistic              4
Leadership         8
Ability                 5
Weapons squad
(may be re allocated to rifle squads)
1 x Squad leader

1x light mortar +crew

Ballistic              4
Leadership         8
Ability                 4

Transports consisted of Rolls Royce A/C, 2x Chevrolet trucks and another truck for transport.  The transports were not activated until the first shots were fired.

The scenario was set at night thus visibility was reduced to 8 inches and the figures were to move cautiously and use ‘Silent Strike’ where necessary.

Once the figures are adjacent to the aircraft they will place the explosives, using their ability on a D6 roll, then roll 1XD6 for each bomb placed to indicate the number of turns before the pencil fuses burn down and detonate the explosives.

The basic map for the scenario is below, with the LRDG troops arriving on turn 1, the vehicles will appear once the first shots are fired or the explosives detonate.

As this is a WWII game there will be some differences to any enemy appearing, thus we will use the following table to determine enemy activity, still keeping to the red cards only indicating possible activity, using the buildings as entry points.

Enemy fire team from an entry point
Enemy patrol, place anywhere within 10” of enemy table edge
Loss of radio transmissions for 1XD6 turns
Enemy fire team
The lead British figure triggers a mine, determine injuries as for mortar blast.  If it goes off, a flare is fired from the German positions
Enemy patrol, place anywhere within 10” of enemy table edge
A group of 1XD6 civilians will appear, roll 3XD6 and a direction die to determine the exact location from enemy entry point
Enemy fire team
Enemy fire team and one support weapon
The lead British figure triggers a mine, determine injuries as for mortar blast.  If it goes off, a flare is fired from the German positions
Loss of radio transmissions for 1XD6 turns
5 enemy appear in an emplacement 10” from the nearest British  fireteam to the entry point
Sniper, in position, place anywhere within 10” of entry point
Roll a D6
Enemy Bunker roll 3XD6 and a direction die for location from enemy entry point
One of the British negligently fires a round alerting any enemy to a presence, a flare is fired from the German positions
Enemy Bunker roll 3XD6 and a direction die for location from enemy entry point
Enemy Bunker roll 3XD6 and a direction die for location from enemy entry point
Enemy Bunker roll 3XD6 and a direction die for location from enemy entry point
Enemy AFV or similar

Any flare fired will light up an area 24” square and will last for 1XD6 turns, effectively making that area daylight.  Roll 1Xdirection die and 3XD6 to determine the direction and distance it is fired.

The map of the game is shown below and although the area is clear it would be best if  rocky outcrops or even an oasis is included in the terrain to provide a little cover to both sides.

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